Join SODICK at LSR 2021
The SODICK-Plustech team is proud to participate as we join esteemed professionals and scientists from around the world in Schaumburg, Illinois, September 13 – 16th, to cover a range of relevant, engaging topics related to advancements in all aspects of Liquid Silicone Rubber - medical, automotive, electronics, consumer products, and more.
Event Highlights:
Wednesday, September 15th, 11:45 AM Presentation: Equipment for LSR Molding Applications By Kohei Shinohara, Vice President, Plustech Inc.
Processing LSR is challenging, yet the need for LSR molding is increasing. LSR offers the ability to ll part geometries with tighter tolerances more than thermoplastic resin. This presentation will focus on the equipment approach to design silicone molding machines, with many case studies, including micro silicone molding, two shot molding, and HCR molding, among others.
Thursday, September 16th, 9AM – 12:30PM Plant Tour, SODICK-Plustech Inc.
Join us for a tour of our new, state-of-the-art 138,000 square foot North American World Headquarters, at 111 Northwest Point Boulevard in Elk Grove Village.
Special guest exhibits by industry partners include: Graco pumping units, who will be pumping the LSR material to the SODICK machine; tooling partner, MR Mold; and Dow Silicones Corp., who will demonstrate their high-transparency LSR optical tool.
Looking forward to a lively exchange of ideas, and hope to see you at LSR 2021.
The SODICK-Plustech team
P.S. Can't make it to LSR, but are interested in learning more about Plustech? Schedule a time to visit our new location, or join one of our monthly Sodick and Friends Webinars, where we cover a range of topics related to LSR and more.
P.P.S. Want to put SODICK to the test? Schedule a Mold Trial today! Give us your most challenging part/tool and see what we can do for you.